Panel: Peripheralization and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century
The panel ‘Peripheralization and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century’ will be hosted by Dr Amelie Kutter and Dr Gautam Chakrabarti at the…
The panel ‘Peripheralization and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century’ will be hosted by Dr Amelie Kutter and Dr Gautam Chakrabarti at the…
At the students’ conference on ‘European peripheries’, hosted by Amelie Kutter at European University Viadrina on 18 July, 2023, students presented their collaborative work on trends of peripheralisation in EU border regions.
The contributions to the symposium seek to highlight peripherisation and peripherality as a backgrounded disposition of current struggles over sovereignty.
Talk given by Amelie Kutter and Gesine Lenkewitz at the 7th CADAAD conference
The Eurozone crisis brought about a new form of party political opposition in Europe that is deeply critical of the current institutional setting of the EU and the EU’s approach to crisis management while, at the same time, generally supporting the European project. This paper investigates discourse practices employed by such ‘euroalternativist opposition’ (Fitzgibbon 2013), drawing on the example of statements (press releases, speeches and interviews) on EU crisis management addressed to international audiences by SYRIZA between the years 2009-2014.
International workshop organised by Amelie Kutter and the Reconfigurations project at the Viadrina Institute of European Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder). The workshop investigates current trends of periphery-building in the European context. Contributions from political economy, sociology, political science, history, cultural and discourse studies provide conceptual orientation and empirical depth to peripheries as an emerging transdisciplinary research agenda.
Talk given by Amelie Kutter at the research colloquium of the Institut of Political Science at the University of Tübingen, 2th Nov 2016.
Talk given by Amelie Kutter at the workshop ‘Komplexe Grenzen: Dimensionen, Dynamiken, Technologien’ organised by the group ‘Grenztheorien’ at the European University Viadrina, 3-4th November, 2016.
The project ‘Reconfigurations of centre and periphery in the European Union: a discursive political study’ investigates the transformation and re-definition of centre and periphery in the European Union (EU) in the aftermath of the financial crisis. It is funded by the European Commission and directed by Amelie Kutter at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
The Eurozone crisis and its management called into question the EU’s decision-making capacity and cast doubt on its responsiveness and accountability towards various groups’ and members’ demands. It also ruined the prospects for catch-up that poorer members of the European Union linked to membership and severely damaged the EU’s rationale of cohesion. The project investigates discursive struggles over the adequate management of the Eurozone crisis with regard to how they address the project of developmental catch-up and, thereby, redefine the centre and periphery. It is directed by Amelie Kutter at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).