Posts from the ‘Research’ category

Research and teaching project: sustainability transitions in the federal state of Brandenburg (2023-2025)

The project ‘Sustainability transitions in the federal state of Brandenburg’ analyses how actors in the region implement or contest sustainability policies in the areas of water, forests, energy and food. What ideas and practices do experts, governments and local future-makers develop when establishing new ways of living and producing in the region? The project is based on a series of research seminars that draw on the philosophy of challenge-based learning. Students explore challenges and scenarios for problem solution in fields of their choice, in collaboration with local stakeholders, using the methods of document analyis, interviews, and field trips.

ValEUs. Jean Monnet Research & Education Network on Contestations to EU Foreign Policy

The project, titled “ValEUs. Research & Education Network on Contestations to EU Foreign Policy,” has secured 1.2 million euros in funding from the EU Commission as part of a Jean Monnet Policy Network (JMPN) for a three-year period starting from January 2024. This ambitious venture, involving 20 partner institutions from 17 countries across five continents, focuses on scrutinizing the foreign policy of the European Union and the challenges posed to its values.

Research network ‘Peripheralities’

The research network ‘Peripheralities’ that has grown out of the Marie-Curie project ‘Reconfigurations’ brings together researchers that investigate peripheries, peripherisation and peripheral subjectivities in a transdisciplinary fashion. Participants combine conceptual and analytical perspectives on peripheries from sociology, human geography, discourse studies, postcolonial studies, political economy and economic history.

Project: The Crisis & Discourse Blog

The crisis & discourse blog is a platform for people interested in disentangling and reflecting upon forms of language use that emerge or reinforce in times of crisis. The major concern is to reveal how recurrent forms of language use and crisis discourse contribute to the entrenchment of social hierarchies or open up prospects for collective action. Researchers and students have already worked on contributions that will be published successively in thematic issues. Calls for further contributions will follow soon.

Research collaboration: Advancing multiscalar social citizenship in Europe (2020…)

Recent  crises  have  revealed  that  access  to  social  rights, such as social security, short time work, housing, or health care is essential for the resilience of economies to external shocks, but also for sustaining social cohesion, trust and belonging in European societies. This collaborative project investigates the limits and potentials of transnational social citizenship in Europe. The objective is to map sources of social citizenship that have established at the EU’s different scales in law, policy, regulation, social work, and perceptions and discourses of social citizenship, and that might form part of a set of rights enforcible not only for EU migrants, but for those marginalised within their societies, too.

Past research project: Another legitimation crisis (2013-2014)

The Eurozone crisis and its management called into question the EU’s decision-making capacity and cast doubt on its responsiveness and accountability towards various groups’ and members’ demands. It also ruined the prospects for catch-up that poorer members of the European Union linked to membership and severely damaged the EU’s rationale of cohesion. The project investigates discursive struggles over the adequate management of the Eurozone crisis with regard to how they address the project of developmental catch-up and, thereby, redefine the centre and periphery. It is directed by Amelie Kutter at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).

Research project: A cultural political economy of crisis and crisis management (2010-2013)

This trans-disciplinary research project focuses on the complex and multi-faceted economic crisis that became evident in 2007 and explores it through to 2011. Different literatures and methodologies are used: corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis; actor-centred institutional analysis of varieties of capitalism and their place in the world market; studies of governance and governmentality; and studies on the EU’s open method of coordination as sources of insight into global crisis-management. Amelie Kutter is co-investigator on this project, which is directed by Bob Jessop at Lancaster University.

Research project: The common foreign, security and defence policy in the light of member states’ mass media (2007-2010)

The end of the Cold War brought about a strategic shift in the field of foreign, security and defence policies in Europe. In particular, events like wars, humanitarian catastrophes or terrorist attacks provoked public debates about the future role of the European Union in world politics both in the EU member and the candidate states. The project investigates whether these debates led to the construction of a common European identity. Amelie Kutter is co-investigator on that project, which is directed by Cathleen Kantner and Thomas Risse at Free University Berlin.