Posts from the ‘Convened Events’ category

Study trip: this is how the European Parliament works

On the occasion of the constituting sessions of the European Parliament, a group of students of the MA European Studies at European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) travelled to Strasbourg between 14 and 17 July 2024. The set out to explore settings, procedures and actors involed in European parliamentary work while being in the field themselves.

Windrad-Gondel im Hof des Neue Energien Forum Feldheim

Research and teaching project: How does sustainable transition work?

The European Union has started to align its cohesion and investment policies with sustainable development goals, and so have the federal German government and the government of the State Brandenburg. But, how are sustainability agendas understood and implemented locally, by actors who have commited to specific projects of sustainable transition, so-called change-makers? What sense do they make of multilevel sustainability governance? Students of European University Viadrina address these questions in a series of classes on sustainable transition in the State Brandenburg designed and directed by Amelie Kutter.

Authors’ workshop on the special issue ‘Covid crisis discourse’ of the Crisis Discourse Blog

This call invites blog posts that investigate phenomena of recent crisis debate from a discourse-analytical angle. The call addresses discourse scholars and students of discourse studies, who currently research discourses of the Covid-19 pandemic and related aspects of multiple crisis and who specialise in a specific discourse approach. We invite researchers to share initial or consolidated insights of their ongoing work with the specialist community and the wider audience, preparing blog posts for the Crisis Discourse Blog.